Apr 5, 2021 | Community, Home Inspection, Homeowners
When renovating your home, you establish a budget and decide what areas you want to remodel. However, it is common for remodeling projects to not go exactly as planned. Ordering a home inspection before remodeling can prevent some of the pitfalls that homeowners face...
Mar 4, 2021 | Community, Homeowners, Safe and Healthy Home
Poor air quality has adverse effects on your mood and health. Several factors can affect the air in your home, including by-products from appliances and heating equipment, low-quality building materials, mold growth, and pollution from outdoors. Allergies, asthma, and...
Feb 5, 2021 | Community, Home Maintenance, Homeowners
Being a homeowner has many rewards, but it also comes with responsibilities. Regular upkeep on your home prevents loss of property value, structural issues, and major system malfunctions. Some projects are more expensive than others, so it helps to create a budget....
Jan 6, 2021 | Community, Homeowners, Safe and Healthy Home
What is Radon? As National Radon Action Month, January is a great time to learn about radon and schedule a test. Radon gas can threaten any home, no matter the age or location. Radon is a naturally-occurring, radioactive gas that forms when other radioactive elements...
Dec 4, 2020 | Community, Homeowners, Seasonal
Moving at any time of the year is overwhelming and stressful, but relocating in the winter creates additional challenges. However, a winter move also has advantages. Moving companies are less busy at this time of the year. The prices you pay during winter may be more...
Nov 5, 2020 | Community, Homeowners, Safe and Healthy Home
Smoke detectors are important safety items for your home. They provide an early alert in case of fire, allowing you and your family time to escape from a dangerous situation. Let’s look at the best locations for smoke detector placement in the home. Kitchen...
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