Thermal imaging is a technology that measures and displays heat signatures. This technology is useful in many fields, home inspection being one of them. During an inspection, a trained inspector will use an infrared camera to examine certain aspects of a home. When used by a trained professional, thermal imaging in home inspections can reveal potential issues with a property.

Thermal Imaging Helps with Heating and Cooling a Home

A home’s insulation plays a significant role in the monthly utility bills. Inadequate or damaged insulation allows temperature-controlled air to leave your home. It’s important to evaluate the placement and condition of a home’s insulation.

Thermal cameras can “see” sections of your home’s walls or roof that allow heat to pass through. An infrared image shows these areas as different colors. You’ll be able to identify places that need more insulation, and once it’s added, you’ll save energy on heating and cooling your home.

Electrical Hazards

Electrical malfunction can lead to fire, injury, and property damage. Thermal cameras can locate potential electrical hazards. The home inspector will check the temperature around electrical appliances, outlets, and the electrical panel. Excessive heat in these locations is a sign that there are dangerous conditions that should be investigated further.

Detect Moisture Issues with Thermal Imaging in Home Inspections

Plumbing issues may eventually lead to water damage, structural problems, and mold growth. It can be difficult to locate moisture damage because it often occurs behind walls or beneath the flooring. Using an infrared camera, the home inspector will note areas that are cooler than their surroundings. This might be a sign of an active water leak or moisture problem.

Unwelcome Pests

Thermal technology can detect unwelcome rodents and other pests. Your inspector may find evidence of mice, squirrels, or bats in the attic because the nest will show as a warmer temperature than the surrounding areas.

Benefits of Thermal Imaging in Home Inspections

Thermal imaging offers clues to potential problems in the home. An inspector who is well-trained in using this technology will understand what different heat signatures mean within a home. The information provided by an infrared camera helps a home inspector return a more thorough inspection report to the homeowner.

Second Opinion Home Inspections offers inspection services, including thermal imaging as necessary, to Door and Kewaunee counties. Contact us to request an appointment.